About Me

Let me tell you a little about me.  After all if you become my client...Don't you kind of want to know a  little bit about who you are telling your deepest self to?  Makes sense to me.  I love being a human. I don’t mean when life is going along easy…I mean ALL OF IT.   I am a fiery, funny, tender, strong, deep woman of 55.  I have been married to my husband Stuart for 23 years. We have worked hard and creatively to maintain love and a deep friendship. I am a mother of two incredibly cool girls, Ara (21) and Aja Pink (18). My relationship to both of them is deep and sincere. I am a dancer, hiker & world traveler. 

I am an adopted child.  This has become a passionate focus in my therapeutic work.  I'm fascinated by attachment in relationships.  I have a strong belief that we all have issues with attachment due to inevitable disruption in our trust process with people and the world.  The end result is I have a strong intuitive empathy in working with others in healing these attachment traumas.  

I have been a meditation practitioner of the Shambhala Community for more than 20 years.  I bring a strong awareness and embodiment to my practice.  Believing that landing in your body and making friends with whatever comes up is a huge part of being a content human.  Shambhala has inspired and supported my innate belief in enlightened society.  It’s my practice and work to support all sentient beings toward waking up in our World.

The way we create our lives and express ourselves has so much to do with health.  I love the complexities of being human, and the endless ways we seek identity and growth.  I think human beings are fascinating, deep, hysterical and precious.